EasyTime Android team Приложения

EasyTime INFO 1.1a
EasyTime Android team
Udfør kvalitetssikring direkte på smartphone,tablet eller PC og se dokumentationen i PDF. (kræver er PDF reader)» Se virksomhedens kvalitetssikringssystem i PDF» Se dokumenter til: Sag, Fag og kontrolpunkter i PDF» Markere kontrolpunkter som udførte eller afviste pr. sag» Tilknyt fotos med GPS til kontrolpunkterVia central funktionGodkendelses funktion der tager stilling til om afvigelser skalhave et nye kontrolpunktGenerer kvalitetssikringsrapport for sagenGenerer afvigelse rapport for en periode » Understøtter også APVarbejdspladsvurderingKvalitetssikringsmodulet indeholder et antal faggrupper somf.eks. tømrer, murer, el, vvs etc.Disse kan inddeles i et antal faser som f.eks.:» Forundersøgelse» Modtagekontrol» Udførelseskontrol (proceskontrol)» SlutkontrolFaserne indeholder kontrolpunkter, som er de aktivitetermedarbejderen udfører i forbindelse med kvalitetssikringen.Eksempelvis, vil der under faggruppen VVS i fasen ”Slutkontrol”kunne være følgende kontrolpunkter:» Tæthedsafprøvning» Funktionsafprøvning» SikkerhedsarmaturerMedarbejderen kan på smartphone/tablet vælge et afkontrolpunkterne og tilføje en beskrivelse samt et eller flerefotos. Systemet kan automatisk tilføje positionen vha. GPS.Hvert kontrolpunkt kan udføres flere gange. Og man kan se alnødvendig dokumentation vedrørende sagen og kontrolpunktet.Om EasyTime: Vi er pionerer på mobilregistrering og hareksisteret siden år 2000.Vi har skabt en meget brugervenlig løsning, som alle forstår atanvende.Perform quality assurancedirectly on smartphone, tablet or PC and see the documentation inPDF. (requires a PDF reader)»View company's quality assurance system in PDF"See documents: Aid, Trade and checkpoints in PDF»Select control points which carried out or rejected per.case»Assign photos with GPS control pointsVia central functionAuthentication function that decides on departures should have anew checkpointGenerate quality assurance report to the caseGenerate deviation report for a period »Also supports APVworkplaceQuality assurance module contains a number of professions such.carpentry, masonry, electricity, plumbing, etc.These can be divided into a plurality of phases such .:"Prospecting»Reception control"Execution Control (process control)»Final checkThe phases containing control points, which are the activitiesof the employee performs for quality assurance. For example, willthe research group plumbing in phase "Final inspection" could befollowing checkpoints:"Tightness Testing'Function Testing"Safety LuminairesThe employee can in the smartphone / tablet select one of thecontrol points and add a description and one or more photos. Thesystem can automatically add the location using. GPS.Each checkpoint can be performed several times. And you can see allthe necessary documentation relating to the case and controlpoint.About Easy Time: We are pioneers in the mobile recording and hasexisted since 2000.We have created a very user-friendly solution that everyone knowshow to use.
EasyTime INFO ProTEST 1.1a
EasyTime Android team
ProTEST er en kopi af produktionen.Udfør kvalitetssikring direkte på smartphone, tablet eller PCogse dokumentationen i PDF. (kræver er PDF reader)» Se virksomhedens kvalitetssikringssystem i PDF» Se dokumenter til: Sag, Fag og kontrolpunkter i PDF» Markere kontrolpunkter som udførte eller afviste pr. sag» Tilknyt fotos med GPS til kontrolpunkterVia central funktionGodkendelses funktion der tager stilling til om afvigelser skalhaveet nye kontrolpunktGenerer kvalitetssikringsrapport for sagenGenerer afvigelse rapport for en periode » Understøtter ogsåAPVarbejdspladsvurderingKvalitetssikringsmodulet indeholder et antal faggruppersomf.eks. tømrer, murer, el, vvs etc.Disse kan inddeles i et antal faser som f.eks.:» Forundersøgelse» Modtagekontrol» Udførelseskontrol (proceskontrol)» SlutkontrolFaserne indeholder kontrolpunkter, som er deaktivitetermedarbejderen udfører i forbindelse medkvalitetssikringen.Eksempelvis, vil der under faggruppen VVS ifasen ”Slutkontrol”kunne være følgende kontrolpunkter:» Tæthedsafprøvning» Funktionsafprøvning» SikkerhedsarmaturerMedarbejderen kan på smartphone/tablet vælge etafkontrolpunkterne og tilføje en beskrivelse samt et ellerflerefotos. Systemet kan automatisk tilføje positionen vha.GPS.Hvert kontrolpunkt kan udføres flere gange. Og man kan sealnødvendig dokumentation vedrørende sagen og kontrolpunktet.Om EasyTime: Vi er pionerer på mobilregistrering oghareksisteret siden år 2000.Vi har skabt en meget brugervenlig løsning, som alle forståratanvende.Protest is a copy oftheproduction.Perform quality assurance directly on smartphone, tablet orPCand see the documentation in PDF. (requires a PDF reader)»View company's quality assurance system in PDF"See documents: Aid, Trade and checkpoints in PDF»Select control points which carried out or rejected per.case»Assign photos with GPS control pointsVia central functionAuthentication function that decides on departures should have anewcheckpointGenerate quality assurance report to the caseGenerate deviation report for a period »Also supportsAPVworkplaceQuality assurance module contains a number of professionssuch.carpentry, masonry, electricity, plumbing, etc.These can be divided into a plurality of phases such .:"Prospecting»Reception control"Execution Control (process control)»Final checkThe phases containing control points, which are the activitiesofthe employee performs for quality assurance. For example, willtheresearch group plumbing in phase "Final inspection" couldbefollowing checkpoints:"Tightness Testing'Function Testing"Safety LuminairesThe employee can in the smartphone / tablet select one ofthecontrol points and add a description and one or more photos.Thesystem can automatically add the location using. GPS.Each checkpoint can be performed several times. And you can seeallthe necessary documentation relating to the case andcontrolpoint.About Easy Time: We are pioneers in the mobile recording andhasexisted since 2000.We have created a very user-friendly solution that everyoneknowshow to use.
EasyTime FLEX Work Slip 1.2.5
EasyTime Android team
EasyTime Works with an EasyTime business agreement - EasyTimeFlexWork Slip are for daily online report to your company.Includesweb- and mobile reporting on project you work with and inrealtime. You can report via Web: PC, Mac, or you preferredMobiledevice and you will see that in a split of a second, you canseethe information and continue reporting on the oppositedevice.EasyTime FLEX for android is one of our native mobileapplicationWork Slips that saves you business time and keep you upto datewith employees work on all projects. With this app, youremployeecan access your EasyTime account via all Android mobiledevicesfrom version 2.x and above. *) Get a free trial accountunder the"No Cure - No Pay" agreement. Contact usherehttp://www.easytime.com The EasyTime Flex Work slip modulesaredesigned for ease of use and you can Select between thesemodules:- Personal time used on projects - Equipment time - Goods /Itemsused - Driving incl. drive routes - Equipment control - Whoarecurrently the user of Equipment, incl. Common for allEasyTimemodules are integration to you favorite economic system(ERPsystem) and includes standard ERP from Microsoft Dynamic Nav.,AX,C5 and KMD SAP Opus etc. Call us to hear about you ERP system.Itis possible to use EasyTime with out any ERP system. You cancreatethe projects master data yourselves. EasyTime servers areservingyou in the Sky and the data security is taken care of bythehosting center placed in the "Old National Bank Box" in the cityofOdense, Denmark. Please contact us for an online demonstration.Ourgold is to be present in all major mobile and computerplatforms.Now we ar e ready on Windows vers. 7..10 and on mobileplatform as:Symbian j2me, Android. iOS Windows Phone. Try it now..BestRegards, The development and support Teams
EasyTime Info V2 1.32
EasyTime Android team
Easy Time Info V2: Day Plan, time recording, etc.,qualityassurance, etc..